Nobody Likes the USA Foreign Policy

Dated January 16, 2024.

This is the shortest paper I will present but I honestly believe the most important.  

In my extensive and privileged world travels I have never met one person outside the USA or UK who liked American foreign policy. Almost everywhere I travelled and everyone I discussed this topic saw America as the “imperialist” (imperialism is a policy of extending a countries power and influence through colonisation, use of military force or other means into other territories). Motives for imperialism are usually for economic or political benefit.

With some force you could also say that Russia and its development of the USSR was imperialistic by definition. Likewise China with the Belt and Road and economic support to various countries in Africa and the Pacific and South East Asia over recent years.

But the USA stands at the front of the que – sadly since the second world war their contribution to world peace via being the United Nations ordained world policeman has been the worst piece of foreign policy initiated by any government or world authority in my lifetime.

Under my foreign policy it is essential that the United Nations be restructured and re-configured to be the world policeman as was not doubt envisaged by its creators. The USA must take the same backseat as other countries from now. Secondly, the USA must transfer the power of having the world number one (1) currency to ideally “a basket of currencies” traded under a new name. The currency should come under the control of the World Bank. There should be a merger of all activities currently undertaken by the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund with the World Bank. The World Bank should be restructured and reconstituted.  

The percentage interest of the most powerful countries – the US dollar, the UK pound, the Euro, the Chinese yuan, the Russian Ruble, the Saudi Arabian Riyal and the Iranian Rial should be agreed on GDP. An agreed percentage of the earnings from the currency trades could be transferred each year on an agreed basis to developing and third world countries under strict controls rather than as currently provided as profits to wealthy corporations that have an interest in the FED reserve and other central banks such as in South Africa.

It is the control over the world number one currency that the current dispute between the USA and China is all about. If this new world number one currency as set out above does not evolve, then the only other option is to have two (2) number one (1) world currencies – the US dollar and the Chinese yuan. This arrangement would create two (2) superpowers at the same time – about equal numbers on each side depending on who India decides to trade and align with.

With trade restrictions will come travel restrictions – only citizens of countries that trade and support the US dollar will be able to travel to those countries and likewise only citizens of countries that trade and support China will be able to travel to those supporting countries and not to any other country whose government supports the USA.

That scenario would set the scene for a “time bomb”.  

And remember the ultimate objective for both superpowers is control over the space above us.  

If my foreign monetary policy is adopted then the USA with around $30 trillion debt would become “a basket case” – hopefully the restructured United Nations World Bank (including the Bank of International Settlements and International Monetary Fund) would be sympathetic to their plight and provide good and reasonable timeframes for them to repay the debt as good consideration for letting go of its world number one (1) currency status.  

There would be no bloodshed and all citizens of the world would continue to live peacefully on planet earth.