Dated 1st November, 2024.

Change attitude of the Australian People:

  • Make them better balanced people – continue to work hard and have daily purpose of life around self-confidence, pursuit of knowledge and money but better balance the above with a greater understanding and appreciation of those people who fail to have the same purpose in life and who for various reasons need government and community support.

Change attitude of Australian Business:

  • Make them better balanced to look after and reward the customer for his/her/its loyalty, the supplier for the supply of goods and services to the business, the employee for his/her work and the shareholder for his/her/its financial support to the business. Today and over the last 10/15 years a number of businesses particularly big business have pursued profit at the expense of and given less time, money or respect to the customer, supplier and employee.

Change our Political Structure to make it simpler, more easily understood by Australians and more efficient:

  • This requires a change to or a new Constitution and a Bill of Rights to take us forward in a totally different world to 1900. Fundamental to this change is the abolition of state governments and municipalities would be restricted and accountable directly to the national government. This restructuring comes with an annual $200 billion benefit to the country each year. The national government would comprise of representatives from all states which would retain their current geographical locations.

Via the above mechanisms we become happier and more contented as humans with self-confidence and intelligence balanced with respect for other citizens regardless of race, color, religion, gender or socio/economic differences.

Restructure and refit the United Nations to make it the policemen of the world

  • Allow the US to take a back seat with all other countries. Secondly, make such revitalized UN the central coordinator of foreign aid from all countries and private sources. And thirdly, the UN should become the sole holder of a new world currency. The profits from money issuance and trade would thereby accrue for the benefit of all citizens of the world and not as today for a few mega wealthy people and US citizens only.

Through the restructured UN we accept all political systems created by all countries in the world today. In doing so, we create a “one world” to regulate and control the roll out and future development of AI and to meet “climate change” effectively and successfully. Both for the benefit of future generations and the world as we know it today.

Australians and indeed the very vast majority of persons living in the world today want to live in peace with their families and friends in communities where the right to life is paramount. No to war absolutely. Yes to peace and good fellowship with all peace loving people in the world. Time is not on our side. We must come together as a one world now.

This is obvious as are each of the major matters I raise in this paper. American administration has much to answer for how it and the world has evolved since 1950. The other countries in the world today want “a fair go” and via a new world currency all people in the world will benefit from international trade and not as today where the US dollar is the dominant currency which benefits the few mega wealthy families and the American citizen. Surely, that is done not via trade alliances between wealthy countries or by agreement between developing countries such as BRICS but by a neutral world currency which benefits all people in the world in 2025 and in doing so it will provide peace for the world if we, as a people, develop trust, respect, honestly, forgiveness and fairness with each other. It is possible. JFK saw it. It just needs another great leader to take up the mantel.