Dated - 1st November 2024

The modern western world today is all about who can make the most money – for the rich and famous it has become an obsession. At the top for those interested money and power are the only reasons for advancing into politics today. Little or no regulation – welcome AI and inter planet travel. And at the same time care nothing or much too little for the vast majority of persons on planet earth who are poor and left behind.

In simple language I stand for (and a vote for me) is a commitment to use the financial resources available to us today to improve the quality of life of the people in the world by providing them more opportunity to be educated wherever they live and whatever their socio-economic standing. If they have a mindset and determination to learn and to be educated - then they should be given that opportunity by the wealthier nations in the world today.

Simply put western country money should be used to educate these people from other countries.

In doing so, we lessen not widen the gap between rich and poor and we build a “one world” in which all peoples regardless of gender, color, race, religion, socio-economic standing live together in peace and with contentment of mind and soul with each other.

If you want further conflict and a world further fuelled by hate and division with a widening of the gap between rich and poor, you then vote for someone else.

This is the major issue about to confront the world today.

This major issue will be resolved sometime this century. So a vote one way or the other is a very important vote today.

Sadly, most Australian politicians would have no idea of what this sort of paper is about. I hope my political papers are read by people around the world and we can come together as an “one world” to regulate and control the establishment and development of AI.

If not, and we continue to make the same mistakes made with the establishment and development of the internet and its byproducts such as social media by not providing any or any sufficient regulation, then at some point of time a large number of us will be doomed.