A vote for change and a better future!

Finlay Davis -Independant candidate for the seat of Kooyong, Melbourne, Victoria. Supported by the Democracy First Movement

A Better Australia for All Citizens

A fairer Australia whose citizens are more respectful, honest and compassionate to and with each other.

Where business is conducted with less rules, regulations and laws are simpler to understand. These will have a better balance between business, customer, supplier and employee.

We support those in the community who suffer from ill health or economic loss caused by social dislocation, business failure, ‘acts of god’ or who have been unfortunate.

We respect our fellow Australian citizens and residents regardless of differences in wealth and social standing, race, colour, sex or religion providing they respect us.

Together we can make Australia a better place to live and work than it is today.

Vote 1 - Finlay Davis - National Seat of Kooyong 2025 Election Endorsed Candidate for Democracy First